Most companies spend a small fortune on marketing. But how much of that small fortune is wasted?
From my experience, the majority gets blown. Agencies, try to produce results for their clients, so they try everything and spend every last dime.
It is overwhelming and almost paralyzing for businesses when they spend large sums of money and see zero results.
We’re always getting told to jump on the latest marketing platform and spend our hard-earned money on avenues that may not work for us.
In any given week, you get calls, emails, or messages from people telling you to advertise on Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Paid Ads, SEO, Linkedin, etc.
All these different platforms are good and can produce results, but do you have your marketing foundation in place?
Does any of this sound familiar?
If it does, you are in the right place. This simple marketing guide is going to help you grow your business with marketing. We are only going to cover the 1st step. There’s 25 so buckle up.
Your Marketing Message.
It starts with a Clear Concise Message that anybody can understand.
A lot of times, your product or service is not the problem. It’s your message.
You’re confusing your audience. They have no idea what your product does and how it will benefit them.
Is this your fault?
Yes, if you are the one in charge of your marketing. If you have hired an agency, it is best to come up with a clear, concise message together. Don’t leave it up to chance.
Don’t forget about the benefit that your product or service brings to buyers. A benefit should be in your main message. By adding a benefit-focused message, we involve human nature. Human nature is powerful and drives most of our decisions.
We are on the lookout for things that make us survive and thrive. We avoid pain, and we love pleasure. If you create a message that will help someone thrive, you will win. If you can create a message that will help them avoid pain, you will win.
We are all looking for those companies that will help us avoid pain and gain pleasure. Are you one of those companies? Then just come out and say it.
Don’t try and say too much. Keep it simple.
We deal with a lot of businesses, and we have found that almost all owners tend to lean toward complications and wordiness. It’s tough for them to create a message that everyone can understand.
To help you craft the perfect message, we have created a simple Unique Selling Proposition guide.
It will help your business grow and improve your marketing. Just click on the link to gain access.
Keep Marketing!
From my experience, the majority gets blown. Agencies, try to produce results for their clients, so they try everything and spend every last dime.
It is overwhelming and almost paralyzing for businesses when they spend large sums of money and see zero results.
We’re always getting told to jump on the latest marketing platform and spend on hard-earned money on avenues that have not been tested.
In any given week you get calls, emails, or messages from people telling you to advertise on Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Paid Ads, SEO, Linkedin, etc.
Does any of this sound familiar?
If it does, you are in the right place. This simple marketing guide is going to help you grow your business with marketing.
All these different platforms are good and can produce results, but do you have your marketing foundation in place?
Most don’t!
Marketing Message.
It starts with a Clear Concise Message that anybody can understand.
A lot of times, your product or service is not the problem. It’s your message.
You’re confusing your audience. They have no idea what your product does and how it will benefit them.
Is this your fault?
Yes, if you are the one in charge of your marketing. If you have hired an agency, it is best to come up with a clear, concise message together. Don’t leave it up to chance.
Don’t forget about the benefit that your product or service brings to buyers. A benefit should be in your main message. By adding a benefit-focused message, we involve human nature. Human nature is powerful and drives most of our decisions.
We are on the lookout for things that make us survive and thrive. We avoid pain, and we love pleasure. If you create a message that will help someone thrive, you will win. If you can create a message that will help them avoid pain, you will win.
Keep it simple. We deal with a lot of businesses, and we have found that almost all owners tend to lean toward complications and wordiness. It’s tough for them to create a message that everyone can understand.
How long is your business going to last if you continue to confuse your audience and talk about aspects of your business that nobody cares about?
To help you craft the perfect message, we have created a simple Unique Selling Proposition Guide. Fill out the form below to gain instant access.
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Keep Marketing!