The Best Account-Based Marketing Software in 2021

Are you in the market for your new account-based marketing (ABM) software?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place. Account-based marketing means catering your message to the top decision-makers for target accounts with a blend of marketing and sales tactics — it’s a strategy that targets companies, rather than individual customers.

As HubSpot’s Senior Manager (Accelerated Leadership Program), Ryan Batter states, The beauty of using an ABM strategy is that it’s customizable to a team’s readiness and budget. Look for a CRM that enables strong integrations to ABM-specific tools to customize your strategy.

With that in mind, let’s look at account-based marketing software.

1. HubSpot ABM Software

HubSpot’s ABM software lets you carry out a fully-fledged campaign right in your CRM. When using it, you can make an ideal customer profile, or ICP. This ICP will help HubSpot automatically tier prospects based on how good of a match they are to your profile.

Additionally, you can import a spreadsheet of your target accounts. This can also be done manually.

HubSpot’s software helps you identify challenges of prospects so you can personalize specific marketing messages to attract them. You can also use Marketing Hub tools, such as ads, web pages, and social media posts, to market to your customers and make your campaign successful.

2. Terminus

Terminus is a platform that offers full-service ABM software. It helps you build account lists equipped with the data you need to personalize your strategies.

With Terminus, you can find accounts where they are and run campaigns that target them directly. For instance, you can manage retargeting, automation, and email campaigns within the software and access performance metrics of those campaigns. Analyzing these metrics will give you a better understanding of how to better target accounts.

3. Demandbase

Users of Demandbase’s software experience ABM programs throughout the entire customer journey. The platform allows users to scale their efforts with accounts, rather than using a bunch of confusing point solutions.

4. RollWorks

RollWorks is a software that helps you drive demand, run digital ad campaigns, and automate sales functions, such as customer outreach. Its software is based around turning target accounts into customers by using machine learning and data. This helps users identify ideal customers and engage them across multiple channels.

5. Triblio

Triblio is an ABM platform that specializes in the growth of account pipelines. Users can leverage ads, analytics, web, and sales tools to help them execute a carefully constructed strategy to attract accounts.

6. 6Sense

This platform focuses on providing its users with the intent of accounts. It provides users with the capabilities needed to engage with customers. With their service, you can collect insights about an account’s challenges and market to them in a way that provides immediate impact.

7. LeanData

LeanData’s software is focused on providing its users with the data they need to connect with accounts accurately. You can use the software to align marketing and sales goals, as well as align revenue operations.

8. Bound

This platform is intuitive and is built to provide marketers with the tools needed to personalize account-based strategy. With Bound, you can build audiences, create dynamic content, and measure the success of campaigns.

9. Zymplify

If you want to find prospective accounts and nurture those leads, Zymplify lets you do that on one platform. It offers automated lead qualification tools, so you can turn prospects into customers.

10. MadisonLogic

MadisonLogic is a platform that offers tools for ABM advertising and content syndication. With the software, you can also accelerate your accounts’ customer journey, access insights about campaign performance, and offer a formatted content marketing package.

11. ActiveDemand

If you work for an agency, ActiveDemand is a great option to look into. It offers services specifically for agencies or marketers to execute their ABM campaigns.

12. Vainu

Vainu is a platform that focuses on personalizing the interactions you make with accounts. Users are able to spot who is interacting with your content and why, so you can accurately enrich those leads. So, if conversion is one of your big goals for ABM, this might be a good choice.

13. Leadiro

Leadiro is a B2B customer data platform that helps businesses connect directly to the key decision-makers at companies. The software uses demographic profiles to help its users identify their ideal customers, and it offers segmentation tools to organize those prospects into lists.

14. AdDaptive Intelligence

With this service, users can target, engage, analyze, and optimize their account-based marketing campaigns. Its main focus is to provide its users with the tools to connect with high-value decision-makers for B2B accounts.

15. MadisonLogic

MadisonLogic is a platform that offers tools for ABM advertising and content syndication. With the software, you can also accelerate your accounts’ customer journey, access insights about campaign performance, and offer a formatted content marketing package.

Closing thoughts

Choosing the right account-based marketing software can make a significant difference in the success of your campaigns. Each software listed here offers unique features and capabilities that can help you personalize your strategies, engage with target accounts, and drive revenue growth.

When selecting a software, consider factors such as scalability, integrations, and the specific needs of your business. By investing in the right ABM software, you can take your account-based marketing efforts to the next level and achieve remarkable results for your business.