60 Facebook Questions That Will Spark Conversation and Boost Engagement

Are you tired of posting content on Facebook that receives little to no engagement? Do you want to capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your brand or organization? Look no further! We have compiled 60 fun and engaging Facebook questions that are guaranteed to spark conversation and boost engagement on your page.

Fill in the Blank:

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple fill-in-the-blank question to get the conversation started. Ask your audience to fill in the blank, and watch the comments flood in.

– Fill in the blank: My favorite writer is ___.
– Fill in the blank: My favorite TV show is ___.
– Fill in the blank: The last song I listened to was ___.
– Fill in the blank: The last concert I went to was ___.
– Fill in the blank: My favorite movie is ___.
– Fill in the blank: The best time to wear a striped sweater is ___.
– Fill in the blank: My favorite blog is ___.
– Fill in the blank: My favorite fast food restaurant is ___.
– Fill in the blank: The best season is ___.
– Fill in the blank: The best place to vacation is ___.

Pro Tip: Try to ask questions that relate to your niche or industry. For example, if you’re a fitness brand, you could ask, “Fill in the blank: My favorite exercise is ___.” This not only engages your audience but also helps you learn more about their preferences.

What’s Your Favorite Thing?

Asking about your audience’s favorite things is a great way to start a conversation and get to know them better.

– What’s your favorite song?
– What’s your favorite summer activity?
– What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
– What’s your favorite song to sing at karaoke?
– What’s your favorite thing to order off our menu?
– What’s your favorite pizza topping?
– What’s your favorite comfort food?
– What’s your favorite TV show?
– What’s your favorite holiday movie?
– What’s your favorite social media platform?

Pro Tip: Create a fun graphic to accompany your question. This will make your post stand out on your audience’s feed and encourage them to engage with it.

If You Could Only Pick One

Asking your audience to make tough choices can lead to interesting discussions and debates.

– If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
– If you could only listen to one song, what would it be?
– If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?
– If you could only have one app on your phone, what would you choose?
– What’s one thing you want to accomplish this week?
– What is one thing you can’t live without?
– If you could only see one musician in concert, who would it be?
– If you could only watch one TV show forever, what would it be?
– If you could bring back one discontinued snack, what would you choose?
– If you could only experience one season for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What We Like: These questions are lighthearted and can be great icebreakers for an early morning post when Facebook users want a fun start to their day.

This or That

The “this or that” format is a fun way to engage your audience and get them to choose between two options.

– Coffee or tea?
– Cartoons or live-action?
– Comedy or drama?
– Wine or beer?
– Cats or dogs?
– A very hot summer or a super cold winter?
– Heels or sneakers?
– A dance song or a ballad?
– Rock or Hip-Hop?
– Morning person or night owl?

Pro Tip: Use the Facebook poll feature to generate more engagement with clickable options and to break down respondents’ answers into percentages. You can even take it a step further by creating a video poll for an interactive experience.


Take your audience on a trip down memory lane by asking them about their favorite childhood memories and experiences.

– What is your favorite childhood toy?
– What was the best vacation you ever took?
– What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
– What was your first job?
– Which of our past logos is your favorite?
– What was the first product you ever ordered from us?
– What was your favorite game to play growing up?
– What was your favorite subject in school?
– When was the last time you went to the beach?
– What was your graduation song?

Pro Tip: Use these questions to create an emotional connection with your audience by asking about their first experiences with your products or services. This will show that you value their loyalty and long-term support.

What If?

Get your audience’s imagination running wild by asking “what if” questions that allow them to dream and think outside the box.

– What is the first thing you’d buy if you won the lottery?
– If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
– What would you wish for if a genie could grant you three wishes?
– Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?
– If you could be a character in any TV show, what show would you pick?
– If you could have dinner with any famous person, dead or alive, who would you pick?
– What would you do if you could time travel?
– If you could have an unlimited supply of any of our products, what would it be?
– If you could relive any moment from your life, what would it be?
– What would you do if you had an extra hour in the day?

Questions and icebreakers are excellent, low-effort ways to boost engagement and spark conversation among your Facebook followers. Remember to reply to answers whenever possible and have fun with your questions! Building a closer relationship with your audience is just a question away.

In summary, by asking questions or using icebreakers, you can capture your Facebook audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your brand or organization. From fill in the blank questions to nostalgia-inducing prompts, there are countless ways to spark conversation and boost engagement on your page. So, next time you’re looking for a way to stand out on Facebook, try asking your audience a question and watch as the comments start pouring in. Happy engaging!