Landing Pages

5 Landing pages businesses need for paid traffic like Facebook, Google PPC, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok

For the last 12 years, I have created hundreds of Landing pages.

I have also watched the evolution of different Landing pages and design styles.


Digital marketers always seem to come back to these 5 basic Landing Page styles.

A landing page is a web page that is designed to get the visitor to take a specific action.

That action can be:

— Subscribing to your email list.
— Downloading your lead magnet.
— Scheduling a free consultation with you.
— Signing up for a free trial

I am going to show you the 5 different styles and if you use the DIVI theme, I will give you the templates for each landing page design.

Let’s get started.

A landing page is a quick and simple way for internet users to contact or purchase from a business,” said Lauren Holland, Thrive’s PPC manager. “It should also allow users to identify the brand and what services or products it offers.”

Basic Landing Page… (Squeeze Page)

Headline, Subheadline, Bullet points, Image or Video, Social Proof,  Call To Action and Form

Your squeeze page should have 1 goal in mind…create a lead.

You do not want multiple calls to action.

The headline should be clear and talk about the benefits they will receive by filling out the form.

Simplicity always wins.

Do not use too many words that will confuse your audience. 

Here’s a simple video that will make you smile and prove my point. 

Social Proof Landing Page… (Others do the talking)

Headline, Subheadline, Social Proof,  Call To Action

I discovered this landing page when I was looking at Facebook Ad Funnels. This has to be one of my favorites.

It’s packeted full of Social Proof.

Take a look!

Just Words Landing Page… (words work)

Headline, Subheadline, Social Proof,  Call To Action

I first saw a words-only landing page when I landed on a Frank Kern and Grant Cardon Ad. 

Frank Kern is considered to be one of the best copywriters in the business. 


If he is creating word-only landing pages, it’s not a bad thing to test them out for your business. 

Where To Find Landing Pages… (see more)

Facebook Ads Library and Page Transparency. 

Facebook is the best resource to find awesome landing pages. 

Years ago Facebook came out with the Facebook Ads Library which shows you everything ad that is currently running on Facebook. 

Here is what I do…

I find ads and pages of people who are the best in the industry. 

I click on their ads and look at their landing pages. 

That’s it. 

Here’s a video that will show you how you can do the same thing I do. 


More Landing Page Tips:

✓ Make sure it looks perfect on Mobile.
✓ Ensure your business name is consistent throughout the landing page and your logo is recognizable.
✓ Position your contact information (i.e., phone number, email address and location, if applicable) strategically on the page, so your leads can easily reach out to your business.
✓ Use easily discernible calls to action (i.e., sign up here, book an appointment online, schedule a meeting, contact us, etc.)
✓ Leverage testimonials to establish social proof and showcase positive experiences real people have had with your company.
✓ Highlight your business’s differentiators and benefits – why should prospects choose your business over similar advertisers and what makes you special?
✓ Ensure your landing page is easy to navigate, contains readable fonts and is overall visually pleasing.
✓ Avoid images and design details that are too “busy” or distracting.
✓ Make it as easy as possible for people to contact your business through short forms and a few clicks.

5 Landing Page Mistakes that Crush Conversion Rates

Here are five of the most common mistakes people make with their landing pages.

1. Blowing the headline

Landing pages live or die by the quality of the headline. It’s your two-second chance to overcome the swift and brutal attention filters we’ve developed due to information overload and poorly-matched promises.

Often, a better headline alone will boost the effectiveness of your landing page, and even overcome some of the other mistakes below. Split-testing different headlines is relatively painless, and can bring you much higher conversions compared with multiple other tweaks.

2. Using your regular site design

Most of us who use content marketing as an attraction strategy use a content management system, such as WordPress. That means we’re using design themes for the visual presentation of our sites. While your typical sidebar and header approach to a blog post is fine, when it comes down to traffic hitting a landing page with a singular focus on specific action, all of that extraneous stuff causes confusion, distraction, and reduced conversions. Lose the clutter and create the cleanest page possible when you want some action.

3. Asking for more than one thing

The idea that more choices make people happier has been proven to be a psychological fallacy time and again. This “paradox of choice” reveals that when given multiple options, the decision ends up being not to choose at all.

An effective landing page asks for one specific action, and that’s it. And don’t forget to actually clearly ask for that one specific thing, which is an even bigger conversion killer if you don’t.

4. Ignoring basic aesthetics

Why is it when some people decide to ask for some action, they lose their minds on the appearance of the page? Bad fonts, garish colors, cheap highlighting, and silly clip art do not make for better conversions in most cases. What they do is crush your credibility.

While using your standard blog theme is distracting and confusing in the landing page context, there’s no need to become the typographical equivalent of a carnival barker, either. Great landing pages use fonts, colors, and visuals that are tailored specifically to the audience and action you desire, thereby enhancing the experience and boosting conversions.

5. Being lazy

Did you know that web users spend 80% of their time above the fold? Does that mean people won’t scroll down the page? No, it just means you can’t take it for granted that they will (instead of leaving).

Don’t be lazy about grabbing and holding attention. Don’t assume everyone instantly “gets” the benefit of your offer the way you do. Don’t overestimate your credibility. In short, don’t drink your own Kool-Aid. Think about it from their perspective, and you’ll realize you might not be all that (until you unequivocally prove you are with compelling copy).