100% Done For You Exclusive Chiropractor Marketing Campaigns. We book up your webinars so you can create income!
Ready to grow your practice? Our team will personally help you 2x, 3x, even 10x your practice during a time you are trying to keep your doors open with our Exclusive Chiropractor Marketing.
Exclusive Chiropractor Marketing
Neuropathy Straight To Office Campaign
Within 48 hours we had high quality 12 leads and 6
scheduled for an appointment.
Spent $81.23
Cost per lead $6.76
Cost per appointment booked $13.53.
Offer: $49 Neuropathy consultation + exam
Neuropathy Straight To Office Campaign
Within 7 days we had high quality 23 leads and 7 paid scheduled for an appointment.
Spent $230.75
Cost per lead $10.03
Cost per appointment booked $32.96
Offer: $49 Neuropathy consultation + exam
The Truth About Peptides Webinar Campaign :
$1000 Ad Spend
140 Leads
$7.14 Cost per lead
45 Registrants – $22 per registrant
28 Attendees- $35 per attendee
7 Consultations booked- $142 per consultation
Digestive + Thyroid Webinar Campaign :
$250.00 Spent
55 Leads $4.55 per lead
12 showed $20.83
5 scheduled appointments $50.
Offer free digestive consult with a specialist
Hormones and Weightloss
$300 ad spend
59 leads – $5.08 per lead
14 Registered- $21.42 each
14 Attendees- $21.42 Each
4 Consults- $75 per consult
Acupuncturist: “We are closing 90%+ of the leads RED Digital is getting us.”
Chiropractor with a regenerative clinic: “This has been a complete 180! We are finally getting educated leads. I just closed a stem cell lead. Yesterday I had a $49 consult for neuropathy and I closed him during his consult! I am ramping up ad spend because these results are amazing!”
Chiropractor with a new neuropathy program: “My neuropathy program hasn’t “officially” started yet, but I’ve already closed 80%+ of the consults we are getting with RED. All my doctors are happy!”
Functional Medicine Director of a million dollar clinic. Regarding his thyroid seminars: “Okay, that worked too well. Can you stop the marketing earlier? We are getting too many leads! My front desk can’t keep up! Awesome!”
Chiropractor who specializes in neuropathy : “RED is fantastic! Let’s keep this momentum going!! Is there a way to ramp it up to even get more leads this way? “
Health Coach scheduling stem cell leads “Woah! Nice work! 4 out of 6 leads booked I am confident I have one more!”