My AI BOT Brought You Here. So Let’s Chat. I Want AI To Work For You.
(…I have been in business for 20 years and followup is key! Now AI (CHATGPT) can do it for you.)
Dear Friend,
Online marketing works. We love Facebook, Google, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and SEO. They make is so easy to get your message in front of the right people who are looking for your product or service.
But…here is the problem!
I watch many companies struggle with lead follow-up, appointment setting, and scheduling.
They are constantly hiring, firing, and training staff to schedule leads. It is exhausting!
If you spend money on marketing and do not have a consistent appointment setter, you will waste money.
I’d like to introduce you to Mr AI.
He wasn’t always Mr. AI though.
He was a regular appointment setter, like the rest of us…
… following up and calling leads for all types of practices.
Desperate for his leads to be sh!t hot…
…because he hated the follow-up grind because he was taking on other tasks in the practice.
Eventually, he burns out and heads to a different company. The owner will notify the marketing company and say these dreaded words…
“Can we put a stop to the leads, please? The quality is just not there.
So we (the marketing company) did a bit of digging…
It turns out these clued-up appointment setters weren’t great at answering the phone fast and weirdly had a hard time qualifying patients because they never really contacted them.
Good-quality prospects were being thrown away.
Leads were sitting around going cold and Mr. AI was getting an ear-bashing, even though he wasn’t at fault.
Does this sound familiar?
Around the same time, Chat GPT-3 was released and Mr AI got super curious!
Could he get the technology to understand if someone qualified for a service based on the information it was fed?
And could he then ask it to respond appropriately, intelligently, and in a human-like fashion?
(In fact, even better than human)
Figuring it out, was no picnic!
Eventually, Mr. AI built this new qualifier into his landing page and added a booking bot.
These were the results:

Clinics were talking to better-qualified leads, from the start.
And the cost to generate patient fell through the floor.
But, how does it all work?
By feeding the AI with criteria gathered from the Leads, it digests this information and assesses whether or not a prospect qualifies for the service.
The AI then communicates back with the prospect providing detailed answers as to whether they qualify and why, adding a human touch by relaying specifics from the initial information provided.
Those that qualify are then invited to book a call or schedule an appointment.
This double opt-in ensures clients only speak with 100% qualified prospects, meaning they’re some of the strongest quality leads in the market.
Let me show you a key chart:

When Leads are not followed up within 5 minutes the odds that the lead is contacted will increase by 100X. When you attempt to contact a prospect 6+ times, you have a 93% chance of getting ahold of the prospect.
This is not easy!
Unfortunately, if you do not have a machine-like your leads are on the long road to nowhere.
I see that happen with so many clinics.
You could hire sales staff to work them, but that’s more costs coming out of your pocket.
But asking highly-skilled, expensive workers to do a menial and monotonous task feels like a huge waste.
Instead, of dealing with all of this, use our AI.
Mr. AI can cope with asking repetitive qualification questions without ever missing a reply.
Mr. AI can follow up with leads in 5 minutes or less.
Mr. AI can follow up with leads 6 to 10 times and never have a down day.
Would be quick-witted enough to adapt against the most contrary prospects, without ticking them off.
And would be available 24/7.
Even the most committed salesperson can’t beat him!
We have built it for you! He told us he looks something like this!
Mr AI can now squeeze way more juice out of a database by initiating an SMS campaign and having the AI instantly chat with them.
The sales android sifts out the leads that don’t qualify, whilst engaging the ones that do, ready for the final stages and for a human to take over.
More importantly, as Lead gens…
This new way allows us to generate leads through simple leads forms that only require a phone number to sign up.
And where these types of leads would usually be high volume but low quality…
We can counteract that by qualifying the lead through SMS whilst still taking advantage of the super low CPLs that lead forms bring.
If you’ve ever tried to use service bots and SMS automation before…
You’ll know you need to create large, complex workflows which have limited capabilities and responses. A bunch of IF this, then do THAT.
Even then… if an ‘invalid answer’ is given the dumb-bot goes haywire, gives a nonsensical response and reveals itself.
Leaving the prospect feeling cheated and back to square one.
So, how is this different?
By laying out a set of instructions, the AI knows that its main objective is to sell to the prospect and mimic a natural, human-like response.
The AI has access to the full conversation and, as a result, will intuitively reply and converse with prospects via an infinite number of messages.
Option 1: Here is our offer. We’re handing over the controls to our Click & Deploy Sales Android. (do it yourself)
What it can do is the majority of the heavy lifting for you, freeing up your time (and your sales team’s) for things that require more finesse.
The result for your biz?
Meaning, you can finally focus on the things that will scale your business past that $10k per month ceiling rather than getting caught up in the weeds.
If you think this sounds like super complex stuff?
And a lot to figure out to get it working as it should, without costly glitches?
You’d be right.
To do this on your own, from a standing start is no small task.
That’s why we’re going to give you a boost!
We’re handing over the controls to our Click & Deploy Sales Android.
Like Mr AI, you can SLASH CPL’s by 65% whilst TRIPLING lead quality by deploying this into your business.
Our ready-made tech structures and walkthroughs mean you can power up your own AI sales machine, without needing a degree in computer science.
And instead of spending close to 372 hours figuring this out yourself, or paying $1000s for a developer to build it all for you…
You can have yours up and running in less than 24 hours.
Now you have the Android shell, you need to bring your AI to life…
With our User Manual, you’ll know the exact buttons to push that power up your AI, program it to your niche, and gets it starting conversations for super cheap.
Our “Conversational Starter Kit” includes our lead form funnel and binary question examples that get quick customer replies and buy-in.
After teaching your android its first words…
You now need to give it a 5* education so it can qualify deals like a salesperson and be trusted to work, on your behalf.
Not much of a teacher? Don’t worry!
You’ll get our AI Textbook and front row seat in our Prompt Writing MASTERCLASS.
Like dealing with an unruly teenager, an android going rogue will leave you red-faced.
Both need teaching right from wrong!
Educating your ‘AI’s brain’ with the right prompts, gives it the direction and know-how it needs…
Preventing your sales-android from going off the rails
…and acting like every other under-qualified, dumb-bot out there.
Meaning you can trust it implicitly to do you proud, with the task in hand.
Prompt writing ain’t easy.
Even a simple misplaced punctuation can send the whole thing spinning out of control.
With FULL access to our Prompt Writing Masterclass, you’ll understand the key structures of prompt creation and how you can incorporate modifiers to get your AI doing additional tasks.
You’ll know the common pitfalls to avoid that can leave you chasing your tail.
..and learn how to safely test your AI’s knowledge and capability before unleashing it on the world.
What is your investment? $397!
That is it. Take action now because we will be increasing the price to $987 in 2 weeks.
You will spend more than $397 a day hiring a new scheduling employee that will leave in a week or two. RED AI will only get better with time!
We wanted to make this offer so cheap that you would be stupid to say no!
Here is a link to buy!
(You may need to double click? Or copy & paste?)
Once you’ve done that I’ll email you a login to access your goods:-)
If you want a taste of the AI Lead Gen life…
Grab it pronto.
(I reserved the right to increase the price on this at any time)
To your success,
Reach out if you have questions…